1640 Hart House Curbside Take-Out
We are closed on Mondays and Tuesdays.
We will not be serving lunch or brunch during this time
Dinner: Wednesdays and Thursdays 4:30 p.m. to 8: p.m.
Dinner: Fridays and Saturdays 4:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Dinner: Sundays 4:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Please view our current picture galleries below:
We ask that everyone arrive wearing a mask.
Please enter through our front door, on the Linebrook Road Street side, not our Tavern door.
Please social distance until you reach the host desk, there are markers on the floor to assist with this distancing.
Once you are seated you may take off your mask, but if you need to leave the table for any reason the mask must go back on.
We are cleaning and sanitizing our restrooms every hour on the hour, we ask that you not access them for the first 15 minutes of every hour so the cleaners can have some privacy.
As of August 11, 2020, Governor Baker has mandated that food must be ordered first before any alcoholic drinks are ordered. One or more shareable food items may be ordered if it sufficiently serves the number of people at the table. Beverages (as always) can not be ordered for others absent at the table. We reserve the right to card everyone. We will not serve without proper ID. Back up for out-of-state ID may be required.
Reservations are for a MAXIMUM of 2 hours. PLEASE be mindful and respectful of this time frame. This limits exposure time between customers and staff. It also allows us a 30-minute time frame to clean and sanitize the table and chairs between guests. Please be mindful of this protocol for larger parties it is critical that everyone arrives on time. Should it be important to have a longer period of time, a room charge might be required. This will be determined on an individual basis.
As always, we do not do separate checks for individuals in a party. We are a non-computerized establishment and not set up for such a task. Multiple methods of payment for a check are acceptable. We take American Express, Master Card, Visa, and Discover. New systems such as Venmo and Apple Pay are yet another way to make multiple payments within a group.
We would like to thank everyone for their patience, and flexibility during this period. With the addition of our added outdoor spaces we went from 5,500 square foot working space to a 13,450 square foot working space this spring. Many challenges were met head on, and we appreciate everyone’s support as we reinvented ourselves. As we start to close our outdoor areas, we will again face many challenges. We will go from a 291-seat restaurant to a socially distanced 132- seat restaurant. We ask for assistance in surviving in this new norm. Please honor our new protocol, be on time for reservations, make sure all parties know the name on the reservation, be timely in cancelations of reservations, and PLEASE show up for reservations. No shows are going to be particularly damaging.
Your continued support is greatly appreciated! Be healthy, be kind, and keep the laughter going!
Kim, Jim, and the entire 1640 Hart House Family.